
Vicar's Message

Dearly beloved in Christ,

Another new month is on the horizon - the month of independence in India. For us, the concept of independence is universal. It signifies a healthy attachment to God and a healthy detachment from worldly concerns.

When we delve into the world of God, every Horabian can experience and enjoy it. The experience of transfiguration leads to the glorification of the Messiah through His death. The transfiguration and crucifixion represent Christ's glorification. However, the world perceives this concept differently. If we truly aspire for independence, we must align ourselves with His ways. The early Christian community achieved this state of independence and found joy in it.

Also, we must remember to commemorate the incarnation and the salvific event that ignited our independence. This process should be renewed daily through the Word of God to rejuvenate the Christian life of independence. God's world should be our reference point for every move we make.

The Church exists within a pluralistic society that needs mutual care and support. This should be both our responsibility and duty, serving as a symbol of an independent community.

Dear Horabians, as months and seasons rapidly pass by, we are called to align ourselves more closely with the Creator Godโ€™s intentions. Let this be our commitment and mission.

May God bless us all to achieve our objectives of Christian merits.

With much love and prayers,
Kochumman Achen.